Questions and Answers
Q: What is a fee-only advisor?
A: Fee-only advisors are compensated by the Client, typically achieved through a combination of hourly fees, financial planning fees, and asset management fees. The fee-only model of compensation reduces the potential for conflicts of interest. Any relationship with a Registered Investment Advisor should be disclosed on a proper SEC ADV form. Top of page.
Q: What is a "Safe Harbor?
A: A "Safe Harbor" is an investment or professional - free of undisclosed conflicts-of-interest; compensation based on only hourly fees or the total value of Client assets, (not commissions or hidden fees): subject to oversight by professional organizations or the government; designations such as CPA, attorney, CFA, CFP; separate due diligence and the Client's interest is ALWAYS placed above their own interest. Top of page.
Q: What is a CFP?
A: A Certified Financial Planner (CFP) has the extra education needed to best serve Clients. To receive authorization to use the designation, the candidate must meet education, examination, experience and ethics requirements. The most important benefit to the Client of working with a person with a professional designation is the person is bound by a professional “code of conduct”. Top of page.
Q: What is a CFA?
A: In order to become a certified Chartered Financial Analyst, a person has to complete a three-year post graduate program. Obtaining a CFA designation demonstrates a significant commitment to knowledge building that sets people aside and marks them out as potential leaders of the industry. Additionally the most important benefit to the Client of working with a person with a professional designation is the person is bound by a professional “code of conduct”. Top of page.
Q: What is a good performance?
A: Good performance is consistent movement towards your Vision with a risk profile you define and with which you are comfortable. Most professionals think they have done well if they consistently outperform the S&P by 2% / year. More importantly they want to avoid any catastrophic losses in your portfolio. Measure each RIA's long-term performance against the same index and the same period of time. The S&P 500 index is a good one. Top of page.
Q: What type of reports and reviews are provided?
A: All of our RIA’s provide online access and monthly reports that are understandable and transparent. We will work with you until you are comfortable with the information being provided. We also meet with you to provide annual updates or more frequently if you desire. Top of page.
Q: I have always managed my financial affairs without assistance from anyone. Is there a better way?
A: Why do you think that you can invest better than the trained RIA (Registered Investment Advisor)? A RIA has special education and watches the market long-term trends every day? You may think you can do better, but most people are not objective about themselves or dispassionate about investments. It is important / crucial to avoid catastrophic losses and a partner / advisor – who is fee only – can help provide guidance and wisdom without conflicts of interest. Top of page.
Q: The host and guests I see on TV and the articles I read always seem to make so much sense. What should I believe in this crowded and redundant market?
A: Have you considered that looking at media presentations is like chasing the best investment return – the event has already happened and probably won’t be the best strategy for the future? Remember – all media sources are in the business of selling subscriptions or ratings. They have a vested interest in selling the story. It may sound good, but may not be in your best interests and certainly takes no account of your risk profit and Vision. The subject my sound enticing, but will it move you towards your Vision? Top of page.
Q: Planning seems so complicated. I may think of many questions as we go along. How do we cover all the material?
A: We have many questions for you to answer. We start with basic questions and keep adding more questions until you can express your Vision clearly and you feel you can articulate what is important to you.
Q: Are education and informative newsletters part of your regular program?
A: You will receive regular newsletters and we explain any recommended program. We work with CPA’s and attorneys who are experts not only in their chosen field, but who can provide understandable advice and programs. Top of page.
Q: Sometimes I feel like my advisor and money manager talk down to me. They tell me not to worry and they will take care of everything. Is this normal?
A: We want you to understand what is recommended and why. We feel our Clients should shy away from programs and recommendations they cannot understand. It is YOUR money and you should be made comfortable with how it is being handled. Top of page.
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Q: Why don’t I pull all of my money out of the market and wait for the economy to improve?
A: This is called market timing and you have to make two correct calls. The first decision is when to pull out of the market and the second call is when to return to the market. Most professionals will keep a part of you money invested because when markets do recover it is usually with amazing speed. Think of it as a crowd all trying to get through a small door - not everyone can get through at the same time so some will have to wait. Most professionals do not try to completely time the market. Top of page.
Q: Why not choose an investment advisor each year with the best investment performance last year?
A: History tells us that the assumption that made the stellar performance possible during the last period will probably not apply the next period. We recommend a Registered Investment Advisory firm that is compensated on a percentage of your fund and one with many CFA individuals on staff. Usually, one market cycle is required to adequately assess performance of a money manager. Top of page.
Q: I get all confused and uncomfortable when my CPA or Attorney starts talking about estate planning alternatives so I end up doing nothing.
A: You probably don’t have a clear picture of your goals and Vision. Start with a well articulated FFP. It will help all your professional advisors understand where you want to go. Top of page.